Monday, July 11, 2011

Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches...

Apparently someone out there doesn't want me to get back to what I wanted to write here. Which was about how I am trying to deal with my past to figure out where these 'problems' with 'weight issues' came about. It is also where I am going to explain some of the 'issues' I had growing up and being seen the way I was. Not for my intelligence or anything like that but for my 'weight'.
Today the hubby and I had a delivery coming. He went on his way to work and I waited. This is usually not such a big deal. I'm usually at home anyways. The only problem was that the delivery people gave me a window of 12pm until 3pm. I waited some more and at about 2:55pm I get a call that they are on their way and will be here in 'about 15 or so'. Not a big deal when you aren't doing anything.
It is a big deal when you have just come home from a trip the afternoon before and still have not filled the grocery stocks. This meant that I was waiting until they did the delivery to even think about lunch. I figured that they would be here at the latest 1:30pm. Big mistake on my part. I knew it wasn't going to take them more than 30 minutes. Then I would just walk somewhere to get lunch. Also, not a big deal. I like to walk. The heat we are having makes it a bit more difficult but still, I walk.
They came and went and it was about 3:30pm. I wasn't feeling too hot so I decided to putz around on my computer. Told the hubby that the item was in and that it was better than we were expecting. Then by the time I was done putzing it was after 4. It was beginning to become 'if you don't eat you will have a massive headache, can't you already feel it coming on?' territory. I logged off and went off to have a very late lunch.
I had a very nice sandwich and drink at a nearby cafe. Then I decided to walk the rest of the way to the grocery store and get a few items. Mainly stuff for me to have lunches here. I walked around the grocery store and decided to wait on things. The items I wanted were, in my opinion, too expensive for their own good. After this I went to the drug store next to the grocery store to get something to stop the itching of the mosquito bites I received from the lovely mosquitos that decided I was good enough for lunch on our mini-vacation.
None of this was all that bad mind you. The bad part of the whole ordeal? Walking home and being on the side walk next to a main road and getting yelled at from cars. The first one yelled "Moooooo". I did nothing and walked on. The second one yelled, "Fat ass!". Again I did nothing and walked on. Unfortunately the rest of the way home I was telling myself that they knew nothing about me and was trying to stop myself from crying. This is why I've had so much trouble.
Being ridiculed for just being me. Teased and told negative things. I've taken way too much to heart over the years I have been on this earth. After a while you start to believe the negative things you hear. It really isn't that easy to get over. I'm really trying but more negatives against the positives isn't helping.
If you've read this far, thank you. I hope that if you are getting these negatives that you know that you are better than that. I will write again soon. Off to find something so I stop thinking about those people that flung the negatives at me today.

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